Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Image of War: the Problem of Content and Formation

Shakirova Elena Yu., Military Training Center of the Air Force of the Air Force Academy. Prof. N. Ye. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin (a branch in Syzran)

War as a complex social phenomenon can be analyzed from different perspectives: it appears as a socio-political phenomenon, as a civilizational, as an existential one. Importantly on war-man, so war is perceived not only on level facts, but and in the form of way of, which represents complex views about it, including and assessment of events, and assessment of enemy, and own image. In the structure of the image of the war, the author highlights the foretypes, synchro and prototyping. The content and formation of the image of war should be considered in close connection with the socio-cultural system: the features of the current sociocultural situation determine the change in the collective memory, the element of which are the images of war. The existence of a single collective memory, filled with images shared by all people, is impossible. Informational pluralism, the crisis of humanitarian and historical knowledge, the expansion of the media network stimulate the emergence of heterogeneous images of collective memory, which appears as an electoral phenomenon: the significance of some events is often leveled and the values of others are exaggerated. The peculiarity of the modern socio-cultural situation leads to militarization of consciousness and to the justification of war as such, there is a new socio – anthropological type – «a man at war», for which war becomes an ethical norm.


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