Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Critics of Metaphysics and Logocentrism as the Foundations of Interpretative Strategies of Deconstruction

Malkina Svetlana Mikhailovna, Saratov State University

The article is dedicated to analysis of the notion of logocentrism which is used for deconstruction of metaphysics. Nonclassic conception of sign, formed in philosophy of J. Derrida, is researching. This puts methodological foundation for interpretative strategies which can be used for any kind of texts: philosophical, literary and sociocultural.


1 Ilyin I. P. Poststructuralism. Deconstructivism. Postmodernism. M., 1996. P. 43.

2 Derrida J. On grammatology. M., 2000. P. 115-116.

3 Derrida, J. writing and difference. M., 2000. S. 446.

4 Ryklin M. Deconstruction and destruction. Conversations with philosophers. M., 2002. S. 32.

5 Derrida, J. writing and difference. S. 446.

6 ibid. S. 447.

7 Derrida, J. On grammatology. P. 126-127.

8 Culler J. On deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism. Ithaca; N.-Y., 1982. P. 93.

9 J. Derrida Limited Inc. // Glyph. 1977.  No. 2. P. 236.

10 Derrida J. Structure, sigh and play in the discourse of the human sciences // The structuralist controversy / Ed. by R. Macksey and E. Donato. Baltimore, 1972. P. 271.

11 Ibid. P. 267.

12 Derrida, J. writing and difference. S. 446. One

3 ibid. S. 448.

14 Derrida, J. Margins of philosophy. Chicago, 1982. P. 305.

15 Derrida, J. On grammatology. P. 134.

16 Derrida J. Positions. Kiev, 1996. S. 32.

17 ibid. P. 39-40.

18 ibid. P. 36-37.

19 ibid. P. 46. 10 CIT. by: Ilyin I. p. Poststructuralism... P. 178– 179.