Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Social and Psychological Determinants of the Representations about Jealousy

Fedusenko Alina V., Saratov State University

The urgency of studying the social and psychological determinants of personality representations about jealousy is beyond doubt, since it gives the most complete understanding of the prerequisites and the main causes of jealousy. Jealousy, being a passion, can be extremely dangerous. It is not always possible to distinguish the so-called “normal”, grounded jealousy from morbid, groundless, pathological, “delirious” jealousy. Understanding and perception of the main reasons for the emergence of a sense of jealousy makes it possible to simplify the social aspect of a person’s life, cope with psychological problems, establish and maintain relationships with a partner. The purpose of the research: to determine the existence of a connection between the person’s ideas about jealousy and its social and psychological characteristics (beliefs, self-confidence, life satisfaction, etc.), which consequently entails a certain pattern of behavior towards social partners through the type of interpersonal relations. In order to confirm the theoretical basis of the research, a survey and projective methods of empirical research were used. A total of 64 people of both sexes took part in the study. The average age was 32 years. The standard deviation is 4.9. As a result of the research, two basic types of ideas about jealousy are singled out – as a positive experience and as a negative experience. Each type included a fairly large number of categories (more categories in a negative type), characterizing jealousy from its different sides. It is shown that the basic beliefs, to a greater or lesser extent, leave their mark on the subjective perception of jealousy, whether it is a belief in the goodwill of the surrounding world or beliefs about control.


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