Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Coevolution of Global Processes, Sustainable Development and Solidary Relations

Barlybaev Khalil A., Institute of Philosophy, RAS

The synergetic, co-evolutionary interaction of globalization processes, the transition to sustainable development and the formation of solidary relations is analyzed. The content of each of these concepts is revealed, their author’s definition is proposed, their prerequisites, regularities, factors, elements and mechanisms are revealed. Under the term solidarology a new approach is presented in the disclosure of the content and definition of little-studied in social science solidary relations, designated as a state of mutual intellectual and spiritual consent, as well as the process of coordinated life of people, when the individual identity of the subjects converges with the interests and consciousness of their communities, turns into a common interest, in the desire of each and all to a common goal, good and harmony. The highest type and level of solidary relations is considered to be the world solidarity, which is formed in the process of global transformations in social relations that are aimed at establishing globally a single community of all the inhabitants, including humanity, flora and fauna, the entire environment. The primary importance of transition from conflict-revolutionary to solidary-evolutionary character of development of modern civilization is shown.


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