Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Relationship of Subjective Well-Being and Cultural Values of Russians and Kazakhs

Sultaniyazova Nassiya Zhalauovna, West-Kazakhstan Innovative-Technological University

The aim of the study is to analyze the ratio of subjective well-being and cultural values of Russians and Kazakhs living in Russia and Kazakhstan. The study was conducted among proportionally selected samples of representatives of two ethnic groups of Russians and Kazakhs of Russia and Kazakhstan: 75 people (a total of 300 people). Methodology of the study includes “The Satisfaction with Life Scale” by E. Diener in adaptation of D. Leontiev, E. Osin; "Subjective Happiness Scale" by S. Lubomirski and Kh. Lepper in adaptation of D. Leontiyev, E. Osin. The dimensions of psychological well-being (autonomy, competence, personal growth, purpose in life, selfacceptance index) were measured using the scale of K. Riff in the adaptation of L. Zhukovskaya and E. Troshikhina. 24 psychological scales were developed (the authors are R. Shamionov, N. Sultaniyazova) to analyze the relationship of representatives of ethnic groups and traditions. As a result of the correlation analysis of indicators of subjective well-being and cultural values, their higher integration in Kazakhstan (44% of highly significant connections) and lower intergation in Russia (28.2%) were established. Ethnic differences in Kazakhstan (high integration among Kazakhs and low integration among Russians) and their absence in Russia (13.4% of highly significant correlations among Russians and 14.8% of highly significant correlations among Kazakhs) were also revealed. The qualitative analysis allowed to establish the existence of national and ethnic specificity of interrelations of the characteristics studied. It is shown that the attitudes to preservation of the traditions of the people and commitment to traditional values are the determinants of the emotional component of well-being in all the samples. Satisfaction with life is determined by cultural values in the ethnic majority groups in Russia and Kazakhstan.


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