Review of the Book: Papayani F. A. The Imperial Future of Russia / Confrontation of Ideological Projects of the 19th – 21st Centuries
Russian space of 19th – 21st centuries turned into a tough field of opposition of ideological projects. Each project claims the status of a basic factor in shaping the outlook of the people who influence the present and future of Russia. The key idea of the monograph is ideology as the moral and ethical canon of human behavior and the power and political regulation of society. The purpose of the stated monograph is to reveal the historical essence of ideological concepts in Russia of the period of the 19th and 21st centuries and show the objective conditions and the desired subjective factor on which the possible “Imperial future of Russia” depends. The monograph is addressed to those who care about the fate of Russia and on whom its future depends.
Папаяни Ф. А. Имперское будущее России / Противоборство идеологических проектов XIX–XXI вв. / отв. ред. О. А. Платонов. – М. : Русская цивилизация, 2019. – 560 с.