Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Specificity of Inter-Level Relations in the Structure of the Integral Individuality of Students with Different Levels of Adaptation in a Stressful Situation

Belykh Tatiana Viktorovna, Saratov State University

The article presents data from a statistical study using factor analysis, which made it possible to identify the specificity of inter-level relations in the structure of the integral individuality of students who differ in the level of adaptation in stress. The following methods were used: methods for determining neuropsychic stability, the risk of maladaptation in stress “Prognosis”, methods for the structure of formal-dynamic personality traits by V. M. Rusalov, the method for diagnosing the typological properties of the nervous activity by J. Strelau, the Freiburg personal questionnaire, a questionnaire for the diagnosis of ways of coping by R. Lazarus; factor analysis of statistical data. The study involved 120 university students aged 18–21 years. The results of the study revealed significant differences in the nature of the interaction of neurodynamic, psychodynamic and personal properties in an integral structure of individuality among students with different levels of adaptation in a stressful situation. The risk of maladaptation to stress, according to the findings, is determined by a low biologically-determined resourcefulness of a personality, manifested in weak ergonicity (endurance), low plasticity and tempo and high levels of manifestations of emotion in the process of social interaction and practical activities. This creates conditions for the actualization of compensation of resource insufficiency due to the manifestation of such personal characteristics as neuroticism, depression and spontaneous aggressiveness. The ability to successfully adapt to stress, on the contrary, is provided by neuro-and psychodynamic resourcefulness, but with an increase in the level of emotional lability, the tendency to use compensatory reactions in a stressful situation increases. In both compared samples with increasing ability to control the emotional sphere the ability to use ways of coping with stress that are optimal for a particular situation increases, which can be used in the practice of psychological counseling for students with different levels of risk of maladaptation in a stressful situation.


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