Modeling E-Learning Courses in Informatics with an Individual Trajectory of Development in the System of Distance Education in Iraq
The article deals with the issues related to the creation of electronic courses in computer science for the system of primary vocational education of the Republic of Iraq. The introduction substantiates the need for their development by the social order for the restoration of the infrastructure of education in Iraq destroyed by the wars of 2003–2018 and the return of a huge number of students to study, as well as the fact that computer science provides students acquiring a profession, possession of modern teaching tools not only for mastering this subject, but also other disciplines of the curriculum. The aim of the article is to present the results of the work on the creation of a model for the development of electronic courses in Informatics for the educational conditions of Iraq. Modeling is accepted in the work as a research method and a method of development of an electronic course. Its concept is a number of pedagogical conditions, addressed, in particular, to the involvement of students in the selection of content and development of a computer science course and its methodological support on the basis of individual trajectories of learning practical skills of working with computer technology. The concrete experience of such an approach to the development of educational material and educational process for computer science training is described.
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