Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Idea of Justice and Citizenship in Modern Russia

Mozzhilin Sergey Ivanovich, Saratov State University

The article analyzes the relationship between citizenship and understanding of justice in modern Russian society. Justice plays a decisive role in the behavior of citizens and the specifics of their civic positions, therefore the research in this area is always relevant. The study is based on the Freudo-Marxist approach, and is carried out by means of the method of critical philosophical reflection. The main attention is focused on the specifics of Russian citizenship in terms of the dominant ideals. The author associates the low level of civic engagement with the lack of ideals capable of consolidating the representatives of various social groups in the struggle for their interests under capitalism. However, the logic of the study allows us to conclude that the understanding of justice, and at the same time the manifestation of civic positions, is primarily due to the socio-economic system, on whose values and goals citizens are oriented. The transition from a higher, socialist stage of development, with its corresponding ideals, the creators of material and spiritual benefits directing to the priority of the public over the individual, to capitalism, with the ideals of consumers, which are characterized by the priority of personal interests, led to the ethical disorientation of citizens, fraught with the manifestation of various kinds of phobias. The novelty of the study is the author’s consideration of the manifestations of citizenship, carried out in terms of compliance with the idea of justice in the distribution of income to the socio-economic system. The work can be used in preparing the special courses for the study of civil society, as well as for the development of new socio-philosophical and psychological-economic methodological approaches to the study of socio-economic processes.


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