Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Problems of Traditionalism in the Framework of Historical and Philosophical Discourse

Romanovskaya Evgenia V., Saratov State University

In the article we attempted to understand and solve the problem of ideologizing the tradition in its most popular form such as traditionalism. We tried to show how the emergence and spread of the ideas of traditionalism depended on the role and degree of awareness of tradition in society. The influence of tradition changed throughout the history of society. From the archaic societies which were traditional, and where tradition was its main regulator, till modern times, when they fought with tradition, when it was denied, and considered to be a prejudice; when they tried to break with their past and their values. In our time, there came an understanding of the danger of neglecting the tradition. The society returned again to the idea of tradition, and traditionalism, as an ideology, became very attractive. Many societies associate their future with it. In studying the problem of traditionalism, we focused on the principle of historical and philosophical research - the principle of historicism, which allows us to obtain a scientific result, when the analysis is carried out in the context of and taking into account a certain epoch. It was also natural to use elements of a comparative analysis and hermeneutics as the means of interpreting the social world. Traditionalism has changed over time and now it exists in several forms – ideological traditionalism, conservatism, archaism, and integral traditionalism. One of the main aims of the article was to expand the circle of understanding of traditionalism, the necessity to present this phenomenon in a more voluminous form. It should be noted that the analysis of each of the forms of traditionalism is important and we tried to analyze them and to draw the boundaries between these forms, since within all the similarities of the forms of traditionalism, they are significantly different.


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