The Problem of Complexity of the Universe: “The Grand Design” or Perceptual Aberration?
The hypothesis is that complication of the theoretical apparatus of fundamental science is caused not by the very nature of reality itself, but by a perceptual aberration. Such an aspect of the problem as stratification of an object in various information coding systems is revealed. The same object (the same quality, property, relation) can be duplicated in various coding systems that creates the illusion of different objects (different qualities, properties, relations). Diverse aspects of the object itself do not coincide with the variety of ways of its coding in our cognitive means. These two varieties form layers on each other in an uncommon way. The task of differentiation of characteristics of the reality itself from the introduced complexity caused by the duplication of one and the same object in different coding systems is set. Stratification of an object can be caused both by the structure of the perceptual apparatus and by the structure of language. New facets of this problem are revealed on the basis of the phenomenological perception analysis of the world-in-time. In the philosophical tradition from Bergson to phenomenology, the past, the present and the future are regarded as qualitatively various modes of the intentionality of consciousness. This corresponds to the distinction between actual, lagging and advanced worlds.
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