Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Human Existence as Writing

Malkina Svetlana Mikhailovna, Saratov State University

The article’s aim is to investigate human existence through the notion of writing, using philosophical concepts of J. Derrida and J.-L. Nancy. Any of our actions or thoughts can be interpreted as acts of writing, located on the surface of touching, in the area, where oneself is opening to the Other. Our existence doesn’t “have sense”, but it itself becomes the sense, being written out. The paper also raises the issue of the idea of self. Being local and for that reason always different effect of writing, ego hereby is fragmentary, irreducible to any unity, devoid of self-identity. We write ourselves, but always to someone (the writing is intentional). And this someone also writes us – through reading, thus the writing / reading mechanism is a single act. Thereby, the written out surface simultaneously unites and separates the subjects. The subject is not a point without a place, but a spatial configuration of surfaces which represent a geometric place of his probable being.Similarly, the article exposes the necessity of removing the opposition of writing and erasure, the impossibility of writing without erasing and erasing without overwriting. But erasing, gaps exist in the very body of writing, because it is not only a chain of signs, but also the configuration of pauses between them. Thus the subject is located rather in gaps of this fabric, than in the very texture of writing, turning out the same ontological lacking, which induces us to write. 

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