Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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On the Possibility of Living through the Experience of the Other in the Socio-Phenomenological Concept of R. Zaner

Somova Oksana Andreevna, Saratov State University

The article analyzes the problematization of the concept of the Other in social phenomenology. It has been shown that the study of this topic is connected with the solution of two interrelated issues: the issue of the paramount living of the Other’s figure and the question of the possibility of living through the Other’s experience. These questions in phenomenology are traditionally solved using two opposing approaches: the perceptual approach of M. Scheler or the apperceptive approach of A. Schutz, based on the views of E. Husserl. It was established that both of these approaches contain contradictions and do not give comprehensive answers, and this fact justifies the relevance of this study. As an alternative solution to the problem, a third approach is proposed, which was formulated by R. Zaner. His concept seeks to avoid the shortcomings of previous decisions and focuses on the mutual disposition of subjects in communication. The key concept of the philosopher’s approach is “catching up”, which means that the I discovers itself at the moment when the I becomes the object of attention of the Other. Thus, the possibility of the unity of living through the experience in communication is postulated, and the alienness of the I to itself is also noted. It is concluded that the Zaner project does not completely solve the problem of the I and the Other, but it allows us to shed the light on previously unexplained aspects of the questions of the interaction between the I and the Other in social phenomenology. The author of the article proposes an alternative course of development of the presented concept, which will make the concept of “catching up” more promising for further development.


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