Socio-Psychological Specificity of Families of Adolescents with Various Types of Autoaggressive Behavior
The article is devoted to the study of the specifics of sociopsychological characteristics of families of adolescents with different types of autoaggressive behavior. The study involved 1,977 people, aged 10–18 years. Methods were used to identify the risks of suicidal, self-harming behavior, use of substances, as well as a questionnaire to study the socio-psychological characteristics of adolescent families. As a result of the study, it was revealed that families of adolescents with autoaggressive behavior have an incomplete composition, burdened with a history of direct and indirect autoaggressive behaviors. Distinctive features of sociopsychological characteristics of families of adolescents with different types of autoaggression risks are highlighted: high level of conflict in families of adolescents with risks of self-harm; alcohol abuse and suicidal attempts by parents of adolescents with suicidal behavior. The specific influence of family factors in different forms of autoaggressive behavior was revealed. Suicidal behavior of teenagers is formed mainly under the influence of such factors as the use of alcohol by parents of teenagers, suicidal attempts of one of the parents. Aggressive behavior (domestic violence), as well as the manifestation of direct and indirect autoaggression of parents is an important factor in the formation of self-harming behavior. The most significant family factor affecting the use of psychoactive substances by adolescents is the autoaggressive behavior of the parents themselves.
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