Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Formation of Spiritual and Moral Foundations of the Junior Pupil Personality at Lessons of the Russian Language and Literary Reading

Kachanova Larisa A., Nevinnomyssk State Humanitarian and Technical Institute

The article presents some results of studying the features of spiritual and moral formation of the junior pupil personality at the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading. Spiritual and moral education is one of the priorities in the activities of educational organizations. This process is especially important at the stage of primary education, since at this age the child starts developing socialization patterns and feelings (responsibility, justice, mutual aid and duty); the circle of his/her communication is expanding; his/her speech is quickly progressing. The author shows the importance of Russian language and literary reading lessons in forming spiritual and moral basis of the junior pupil's personality. At this stage the teacher plays the leading role in introducing spiritual values to primary school children. Selected literary works for studying should resonate with the readers. This gives the opportunity to address the realities of life that affect spiritual growth and development of the child without breaking artistic conventions. The contradiction between the large number of studies in the field of spiritual and moral education of students and insufficiently developed methods of organizing this process allowed us to determine the problem of the research: improving pedagogical work on the formation of spiritual and moral foundations of the student’s personality at the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading.


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