Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Eurasian Migration: Mechanisms and Principles of the Global Migratiosphere

Matveev Aleksey Alexandrovich, Ivanovo state University

The article focuses on Eurasian migration processes, seen in the context of three migration models, as well as their impact on demographic and sociocultural dynamics. The actual problematization of the article is to determine the relationship between the phenomenon of migration and the demographic crisis on the continent. The author sets a goal to find common ground between various migration models in the search for ways of overcoming the demographic crisis. To solve the problem, comparative and systems approaches were applied. The relevance and novelty of the article consist in the formation of the discourse of global migration science, the scaling of the space of migration processes and the justification of their systemic, complex nature. The significance of the study is revealed in the hypothesis of the conceptual (systemdetermining) place of Russia in the Eurasian migration sphere. It is shown that the reserves of migration stability are associated primarily with the controversial situation, which is characterized, on the one hand, by a huge migration potential, and, on the other hand, by an isolated European migration policy. Verification of the effectiveness of the migration model, in which “brain drain” is minimized together with the concentration of professionals within the country space, and, at the same time, “infusion” of new labor resources are possible within the framework of a real migration policy. At the same time, a harmonious migration policy will give an answer, whether it is a short-term perspective or a sustainable development process.


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