Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Features of the Transformation of the Criminal Subculture in Modern Society: The Role of Organizational Culture

Romanova Natalia Mikhailovna, Saratov State University

Relevance. The study of the specific organizational culture peculiarities within group entities conducting criminal economic activities is significant for understanding the essence of such organizations, socio-psychological mechanisms of their potential influence on society. So far, the criminal subculture has not been considered from the point of view of postmodernism methodology, the influence of the role of organizational culture on its development. Purpose. Develop the theoretical foundations of the study of criminal subculture that are adequate for modern society. Method. Theoretical analysis of the criminal subculture from the point of view of the methodology of postmodernism. Results. The article provides an analysis of the peculiarities of the nature of modern culture in the conditions of the postmodern and information society, the relationship of the criminal subculture with the culture of society and the social processes taking place in it, the specifics of changes and the cultural transformation of the criminal subculture in a multicultural society (dissemination and introduction into society, modification, acquisition of new forms). Conclusions. Reliance on the methodology of postmodernism gives a deeper understanding of the cultural transformation specifics in the modern criminal subculture. The introduction of criminal subculture into the structure of society is due to the use of objective elements of organizational culture (image, externally acceptable, socialized forms of employee behavior, external compliance with the requirements of conventionality) and concealment of subjective elements of organizational culture (values of the criminal world).


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