“A Room of One's Own”: The local aspect of privacy
The article deals with the local aspect of privacy, embodied in a human dwelling. The aim of the research is to philosophically analyze the local aspect of privacy, to identify its essential characteristics. The study is based on an integrated approach that includes logical, hermeneutic-interpretive and comparative methods. The novelty of the work lies in the conceptualization of the socio-philosophical phenomenon of local privacy. The presence of a private space closed from the eyes of the public gives an individual a sense of security and peace. In many cultures, the house is endowed with special symbolism, being a reflection of a human body, an expanded image of “Self”. A home designed according to one’s own taste, in which loved ones live and personal belongings that evoke images and memories are stored, provides an identity, a state of stability and rootedness. Staying in a private space provides an opportunity to take a break from social roles, from the need for constant self-presentation in public. The right to private property, protected by laws and social norms, guarantees the autonomy of the subject. On the contrary, unlawful entry into a home is an attack on human freedom and dignity. A private space, localized in one’s own room, apartment or house, is a person’s existential need.
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