Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Psychological content of the factor strucrure of parental tolerance

Ovcharova Raisa Victorovna, Kurgan State University

 The article deals with the actual problem of parental tolerance as a systemic phenomenon and one of the important components of parenthood. The study is devoted to identifying the features of the psychological content of parental tolerance in the upbringing of preschool and primary school children (childhood age). The novelty of the methodology lies in the application of a system-activity approach, as well as the use of a number of author’s methods. Results: the psychological content of parental tolerance in relation to children raised in childhood characterizes a tolerant parent with the inherent awareness of parenthood, the formation of positive parental feelings and relationships, and effective communicative tolerance and a democratic style of family education. However, there are some intolerant tendencies in its content. The emotional component is leading in the structure of parental tolerance of fathers and mothers of preschool and primary school children. The parental tolerance of fathers and mothers has similarities and differences. It is concluded that the features of parental tolerance are determined by the age of children. The psychological content, composition and ratio of components of the structure of parental tolerance of fathers and mothers are identical. However, the severity of their manifestations varies, due to the gender-role specifics of parenthood and the gender characteristics of parents.

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