Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Time in digital history

Artamonov Denis S., Saratov State University

The article is devoted to the problem of representation of the image of time in digital history. The author understands digital history as a scientific direction that studies the history of digital society, as well as the history of the creation and application of information and computer technologies, their impact on the history of a man and a human society within the framework of epistemic arenas. Epistemic arenas bring together human scientists, the masses of Internet users, digital technologies and media. The category of time in digital history has a social significance, since historical knowledge in the digital age is a collective creativity based on the application of technology. The author considers the concepts of time in digital history within the framework of the concept of social time, bearing in mind that the sequence of events that saturate certain periods of time can be both real and virtual. The virtualization of history provides the individual with the opportunity to “dive” into the past and creates the illusion of time management. Time in digital history can be accelerated, «explosive», or, conversely, slowed down, which is subordinate to the interests of users who create or consume historical information. Time management allows for more effective consideration and representation of historical processes and leads to the adoption of the concept of movement in it. The idea of travelling to the past and future has become a part of the historical culture of the digital society. The future is presented as the end of history, the apocalypse, which explains the increased interest of society in the past, which in digital history has the character of a known, and therefore safe, reality.

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