Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Modes of the interaction between network structures in a conflict situation

Bankovskaya Yulia L., Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

The article is devoted to the study of ontological, phenomenological and axiological modes of the interaction between network structures in the situation of a conflict confrontation. The aim of the work is to identify the modes of the interaction between network structures, and to clarify their specifics in the context of conflict escalation. The research methodology uses a network approach that covers all forms of social interaction at the micro and macro levels, characterizes social connections and relationships, and a synergetic paradigm that provides broad opportunities for considering the evolution of social systems. The study of the degree of development of the scientific problem allows us to conclude that there is a sufficient number of works devoted to the study of network structures, on the one hand, and very few works aimed at considering their interaction features in a conflict situation on the other hand. The analysis of ontological, phenomenological and axiological modes allows us to identify such essential characteristics of network processes that affect the dynamics of a conflict development as decentralization, the prevalence of horizontal connections over vertical ones, openness, anonymity, the absence of a single system of values and norms, multi-channel relationships, and fragmented knowledge about the problem situation. It is concluded that identifying the specifics of interaction between network structures is a necessary condition for maintaining the stability of the functioning of society and the state through the formation of new value-normative standards.

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