Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Motherhood as a factor of the comprehension of life in the realities of a consumer society

Suslova Anastasia Alexandrovna, Center of Laboratory Analysis and Technical Measurements

Modern society is focused on a prestigious-status consumption, material values are cultivated in it to the detriment of spiritual ones, the meaning of life becomes unclear, a person falls into an “existential vacuum”. Consumer tendencies can be contrasted with love in its various manifestations, including one of the strongest – motherly love. But in modern realities, motherhood is faced with the devaluation, belittling of its role. The image of a woman-mother giving a new life is no longer the ideal of a woman, it is replaced by an attractive image of an eternally young “business lady”, untouched by the age and the hardships of motherhood. In the consumer society, a detached, non-creative and devoid of creative efforts approach to child rearing prevails. It is no longer endowed with high meaning, as it was from time immemorial. In spite of this fact, in order to acquire a vital meaning, it is necessary to strive to create a traditional family, relations which should become a prototype of relations in society for children, as well as to show a creative and constructive attitude to social reality, in particular, to direct their activity to the harmonious development of the child, while realizing their own potential. This approach to motherhood gives a woman’s life the meaning that goes beyond its own limits, satisfying the need for transcendence. 

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