Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Severity of self-regulation processes in teachers with different types of professional self-attitude

Dukhnovsky Sergey Vitalievich, Ugra State University

The article, based on the presented empirical material, reveals the problem of professional self-attitude and its types among teachers with different levels of expression of conscious self-regulation. The study covered 157 teachers of comprehensive schools of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra. The age of the examined is from 31 to 45 years. We used the technique “Attitude to yourself as a professional” and the questionnaire “Style of self-regulation of behavior”. On the basis of the obtained results, it was proved that the processes of conscious self-regulation are interconnected with the magnitude of activity and positivity of professional self-attitude of teachers, as well as that subjects with different levels of self-regulation (high, medium and low) differ in the dominant types of attitudes to themselves as a professional. It has been shown that the more developed regulatory processes are, the more active and positive the professional self-presentation of teachers is – a higher level of claims, combined with a positive representation and acceptance of a professional, expressed by the installation on professional self-development. It was revealed that teachers with a low level of self-regulation are distinguished by a passive-negative attitude towards themselves as a professional, while teachers with a high level are characterized by an active-positive attitude towards themselves, with the dominance of positivity, and teachers with an average level of self-regulation have a pronounced balanced professional self-attitude. It has been established that for the regulatory process of “programming”, the installation on professional self-development is of leading importance, while for the regulatory process, “flexibility” is a significant indicator - the idea of oneself as a professional.

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