Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Mass Media Missions in people’s psychological education and mediatization of University's Scientific and Educational Activities (on the example of Saratov State University's Regional Center of practical psychology)

Zhizhina Maria Viktorovna, Saratov State University

This article is looking into mass media’s missions in people’s psychological education on the example of media projects of the Center of Practical Psychology of the Saratov State University. It outlines two leading directions in arranging the center’s practical activities: the first one is directly related to psychological assistance and support rendered to people; the second one is focused on personal and professional development and self-improvement of university students, on shaping a developing educational environment that contributes to the disclosure of students’ potential personality resources and students’ increased involvement in university life, in communication with fellow students, teachers, and university staff. At the same time, the second direction is directly related to implementing the goals of university education aiming at mediatization of the scientific and educational activities of the university. The author actualizes the practical significance of mass media in psychological education and supporting people in conditions of increasing stress. Highlighted here are the theoretical prerequisites for the controversial nature of the issue of mass media’s positive missions and in particular, the use of the media’s psychotherapeutic potential in order to reduce and minimize the negative effects of not only the mass media themselves, but also the consequences of crises.

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