Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Theoretical study of the definitions of the concepts “psychomotor skills” and “psychomotor abilities”

Naumova Tatiana Valentinovna, Pyatigorsk State University

In the article the author presents a description of the historical and theoretical analysis of the changing views of scientists – from classics to contemporaries-on the content of the conceptual and terminological apparatus for studying psychomotor phenomena. The purpose of the work is to study and analyze scientific approaches to the definition of the concepts of “psychomotor” and “psychomotor abilities”, as well as to identify the constituent and system-forming components of the phenomena behind them. The author raises the question of the need to introduce a generally accepted definition of the concepts under study. The study also identifies the main scientific directions of the problem of the development of human psychomotor abilities. The author has built a logical and historical sequence in the development of this problem, as well as considered various theoretical and applied aspects of the study of the phenomena of psychomotor and psychomotor abilities. The content of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the definitions “psychomotor” and “psychomotor abilities” is specified. The article analyzes more than two dozen definitions of reflexive concepts, which reflects the most complete picture of the currently existing theoretical developments in the description of the studied problem of psychomotor phenomena and emphasizes its relevance.

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