Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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316.012 – 316.4

Circuits Typological Study of the Socio Modern Society

Baklanova O. A., North-Caucasus Federal University
Baklanov I. S., North-Caucasus Federal University

Sociality is a specific quality of connections, relationships and dependencies between individuals and social groups that create and reproduce many times historically conditioned model of social relations, continuously maintaining the stability and unique character of the established social order. Features of the sociality can be given on the basis of four dimensions units that characterize the irreducible to each other biological, social, cultural and psychological features of the processes deployment in social space. Each of these dimensions was studied in proper disciplinary structured fields, and philosophical aspects can be characterized in three dimensions – structural, functional and dynamic (which are correlated with each other and can provide integral description of the existing social). Modern research of sociality should also include a requirement to multi-variant representations of sociality. Philosophical approach assumes revealing complex interaction of different types of social communication.

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