Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Globalization and the Phenomenon of Religious

The article studies the problem of the relationship between
globalization and the religious phenomenon in the modern era.
Special attention is paid to the specifics of the conflicts in religious
consciousness under the influence of globalization processes.
Globalization is seen as a complex phenomenon, includes a combination
of many elements of social reality.Open and participatory
modernity allows you to shape religious identity indirectly from
national and cultural component. So, mass forms of religiosity

Circuits Typological Study of the Socio Modern Society

Sociality is a specific quality of connections, relationships and dependencies between individuals and social groups that create and reproduce many times historically conditioned model of social relations, continuously maintaining the stability and unique character of the established social order. Features of the sociality can be given on the basis of four dimensions units that characterize the irreducible to each other biological, social, cultural and psychological features of the processes deployment in social space.