Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Analog and the Digital as the Types of Construction and Destruction of Being

Duplinskya Yuliya Mikhailovna, Saratov State University

The analog type of thinking reality takes the form as initial point of reflection. The digital type takes as initial points of reflection the formula and the code. Example of analog type of reflection is thinking of antiquity. In antique science starting point of reflection is a form, and the formula is always based on the form. Example of digital type of reflection is Western science. It turns over the relationship between the form and the formula. The form here is understood on basis of the formula. Let’s question: does the cognitive capabilities of analog type reflection are exhausted? In biology Aristotle’s conception of «form as the first essence» is replaced by the formula of genetic code. But here, in our view, is inexplicable following point. Genetic mechanism of information transference only explains how a formula is converted to another formula. But it remains fundamentally incomprehensible how formula can determine the form of body. This mechanism of multiplication of formula or code may generate only fractal forms. On this principle is only vegetative growth takes place. Mechanism of code’s itself-replication leads to unrestricted fractal growth in all directions. But forms of superior organisms – are not fractal forms. What mechanism of limitation prevents here unrestricted fractal code spreading? We prove that it is qualitatively different principle of formation, which cannot be explained by logic of the code’s self-replication. We advance hypothesis about the existence of additional biofield mechanism of form-creation, which operates on the analog basis.

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