Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Parent-Child Relations and Development of a Child as a Future Adult Family Member

Nikolaeva L. A., Yaroslavl State University named after of P. G. Demidov

Parent-child relations play a key role in the development of a child as a future adult family member. The object of our research is formation of parent-child relation systems in children. The aim of our research is to find out the dependence between parent-child relations and the formation of future parenthood of children. To study this we used PARI methods and a parent-child relations test. As a result of the research we came to the conclusion that such styles of family behaviour as cooperation of the child with the parent, the child-parent symbiosis, manifested in adult aspiration to unity with the child are «inherited» factors. Domination of mother, as well as her being dependent on her husband are also «inherited» factors, they are passed on from parents to their children, and then to their future families. Such opposite factors as parental avoidance of contacts with the child, security creation, fear of offending, suppression of sexuality belong to the category of characteristics, given to children in the process of family upbringing.

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