Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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355.23. 316.6

Conditions of Formation of the Future Officers Competence to Act in Emergency Situations and of Their Psychological Resistance

Shinkarenko A. V., Saratov Military Order of Zhukov Red Bannerorder Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

The article deals with conditions of formations of the future officers’ competence to act in emergency situations. Concept of conditions is considered. A number of rules of pedagogical conditions choice are determined. Definitions of professional training and psychological resistance situations are considered. Areas of educational efforts to establish psychological resistance are discovered. Steady and temporary factors of personal acting in emergency situations are offered. Actual examples of action of internal troops (personnel) in emergency situations are mentioned. Special actions in counterterrorism operation in the Chechen Republic are analyzed. The main conclusions from troop’s actions and their influence on the educational process in higher education institutions of the RF Ministry of the Interior are drawn.

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