Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Institutional trust as a mediator of the connection of meta-values with the emigration attitude of Russian youth

Romasheva Zhanagul Zhumabekovna, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

In science, there have been no attempts to study institutional trust as an intermediary between the emigration attitude and meta-values, which actualizes this problem. The purpose of the study: to determine the role of institutional trust in the connection of metavalues with the emigration attitude. Research hypothesis: institutional trust mediates the connection of meta-values (a) Conservation, (b) Openness to change, (c) Self-enhancement (d) Self-transcendence with the emigration attitude. The study was carried out on a sample (N = 646) aged 17 to 35 years, including 78% (504) women, using: PVQ-21 – ESS7 version of the questionnaire measuring individual values of Sh . Schwartz, Methods “Scale of migration attitudes” by S. A. Kuznetsova, I. Y. Kuznetsov, A. V. Feshchenko, modifi ed into “Scale of emigration attitudes”; questionnaire “Level of institutional trust” and mediation analysis, through the use of the macro PROCESS to the IBM SPSS 26.0 program. It is established that institutional trust mediates the connection of the emigration attitude with the meta-values of Conservation, Openness to change and Self-enhancement, at the same time it is not a mediator in connection with the emigration attitude with the metavalue of Self-transcendence. The results of the study demonstrate the role of institutional trust in the emergence of an emigration attitude among young people, which allows them to be used to predict the emigration activity of young people, in psychological work with potential emigrants, as well as in the development of state youth policy programs.

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