Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Copying Strategies and Attitude to the World in Voluntary Emigration

The article considers the problem of sociocultural adaptation of voluntary emigrants through the prism of stress-related behavior and the specifics of their attitude to the world. Specific features of coping strategies and characteristics of the external and internal world of Russian citizens living abroad in the United States, Britain, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Austria (N = 70) are determined. It was revealed that women in voluntary emigration more often than men use the strategy of seeking social and emotional support.

Personality Attitudes towards Emigration Functions and Structure Analysis

The paper performs a structural-functional analysis of a personality attitudes towards migration system using data of an empirical research, and those of a forming experiment. Emigration intentions cherishing personalitys system of attitudes peculiarities have been detected, in which content components dissonance does not support a subjects integrity and self-identity. A forming experiment outcomes have become a basis for singling out an imperative and an adaptive functions of a personalitys attitudes towards emigration system.

Institutional trust as a mediator of the connection of meta-values with the emigration attitude of Russian youth

In science, there have been no attempts to study institutional trust as an intermediary between the emigration attitude and meta-values, which actualizes this problem. The purpose of the study: to determine the role of institutional trust in the connection of metavalues with the emigration attitude. Research hypothesis: institutional trust mediates the connection of meta-values (a) Conservation, (b) Openness to change, (c) Self-enhancement (d) Self-transcendence with the emigration attitude.