Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Proactive coping strategies as a factor of choice satisfaction in a migration decision-making situation

Efremenkova Maria Nikolaevna, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education.

Introduction. Understanding the mechanisms of decision-making on labor migration is an urgent problem due to the involvement of an increasing number of able-bodied Russian citizens in migration processes. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between proactive coping strategies and satisfaction with the choice in the situation of making a decision on labor migration; substantiation of the mediative infl uence on this relationship of perceiving the situation of making a decision on migration as stressful. Theoretical analysis. An overview of studies of coping strategies used by migrants is given. The main approaches to the study of proactive coping strategies in the context of making life decisions are described. Conclusions. It was found that there are positive links between proactive coping and the perception of the “stressfulness” of the situation; between satisfaction with the choice and the perception of the decision-making situation as stressful. The results obtained shed light on the understanding of which strategies for coping with the diffi culties of making a decision on migration are the most eff ective and lead to the perception of the decision made as the right one. The results obtained can be used in the psychological support of the process of making a decision on migration.

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