Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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To teach logic to prospective mathematics teachers (Part III)

Igoshin Vladimir Ivanovich, Saratov State University

Introduction. The article is the third part of the author’s article under the same title published in previous issues of this journal. It discusses the problem of forming the logical competencies of future mathematics teachers both at the undergraduate level and at the master’s level. Theoretical analysis. In this case, logic is considered in three aspects – classical Aristotelian logic, modern mathematical logic and its application to Aristotelian logic, non-classical logics. This part of the article proposes a number of measures related to the formation of the logical and didactic training content for future mathematics teachers at the undergraduate and graduate levels in order to make this training a system-forming factor in the entire system of their training. At the same time, training at the master’s level must meet the principle of continuity and become a natural continuation of training at the undergraduate level. Conclusions. Such an approach will signifi cantly increase the level of the logical and general professional competence of mathematics teachers who graduate from pedagogical and classical universities. Such teachers will be able to apply logical knowledge and skills in their pedagogical activities to educate logically and mathematically competent students at diff erent levels of general education capable of further self-development and creative activity.

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