Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Child-adult community as a resource for raising children with special problems

Shustova Inna Yurievna, Strategy of the Education Development Institute of the RАЕ
Zhimaeva Ekaterina Mikhailovna, Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Upbringing

Introduction. Currently, the inclusion of children with any developmental disabilities in society is a priority direction of state policy in relation to these children. In the article, the child-adult community is considered as a resource for educating schoolchildren with special problems (deviant behavior, limited health opportunities). The purpose of the article is to reveal the educational potential of the child-adult community, its possibilities for the upbringing and development of children with special diffi culties. Theoretical analysis. The article describes the reasons for the emergence of a community and its main characteristics. The formation of a child-adult community, of which a special child becomes a member, requires additional skills and abilities from the teacher: the ability not only to understand the diffi culties of the child, but also to look for ways to overcome them; the formation in students, including children with special problems, a positive emotional attitude to school, their class and learning; the teacher’s ability to unite children around interesting and signifi cant socio-cultural activities; the teacher’s ability to build any joint activity in the classroom through value-semantic positional interaction. Conclusions. The signifi cance of the proposed approach in revealing the potential of the child-adult community in the development of the special child personality is defi ned. It is in this community where a valuable experience of communication and activity of all participants in educational relations is formed.

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