Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Model of cultivating patriotism in adolescents and "generation Z" youth using the resource of juvenile media

Kosolapova Larisa Alexandrovna, Perm State University
Myasnikova Diana Igorevna, Perm State University

Introduction. The conducted research is aimed at identifying the methodological foundations, content, methods and mechanisms for organizing the patriotic education in adolescents and "Z generation" youth. The article defines the essential characteristics of the education processes and creation of juvenile media, and substantiates the possibility and potential of integrating these processes. Theoretical analysis. The scientific novelty lies in the development and theoretical justification of the Model of organizing the patriotic education in the “Generation Z” youth with the involvement of the juvnile media resource, which includes methodological, target-oriented, activity and result blocks, and which is based on a combination of humanistic, personal, activity, and integrative approaches to the process of educating adolescents, allowing to ensure the integrity and functionality of the Model. The mechanism of education is the pedagogical support of the value-semantic self-determination of a young person at each stage of a young media journalist work on media material. In the process of creating media material, a chain of upbringing methods is used (according to Z. I. Vasilyeva): goal-setting – informational and educational – evaluative. Conclusion. As a result of the study, the possibility of using the potential of juvenile media in the process of patriotic education in generation Z teenagers is substantiated: the purpose, the main mechanism, the content and methods of the upbringing process, the structure and indicators of the result of the patriotic upbringing of adolescents and the "Generation Z" youth with the involvement of the juvenile media resource.

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