Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Practical philosophy: Modern foundations and necessity

Maslov Vadim Mikhailovich, Nizhny Novgorod State University. NI Lobachevsky

Introduction. The complexity, the rapidity of changes and considerable uncertainty of further social development reinforce the requirements for an effective positive influence of philosophy on what is happening. In general, we are talking about the modern concretization – based on the method of dialectical unity of historical and logical – of the fundamental problem of the connection of philosophy and science with life and practice. Theoretical analysis. In the history of philosophy, two opposing traditions of solving the problem of the connection of philosophy with life are being formed. Practical-theoretical one is aimed at helping to solve the universal problems of real life (philosophy acquires political significance). Theoretical-practical tradition is focused on the purity of philosophical search, which provides universal truth practice. Conclusion. The permanence of changes and the real dangers of social development (the threat of becoming a post-outside-human reality) actualize the practical-theoretical position – practical philosophy. Practical philosophy should fully take into account the critical arguments of the opposite side (the danger of political distortion of the truth). In general, it is necessary to unite and activate the work of all practice-oriented forces of philosophy and science (humanitarian expertise, field philosophy, etc.). Professional, pedagogical access to the Internet for criticising post-truth and meaningful presence in the public arena is seen as an important direction of practical philosophy.

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