Humanization of the continuity of modern society social reorganization on the basis of the idea of recreating the USSR in the students' mind
Introduction. The relevance of the problem of humanizing the continuity of the social reorganization of modern society on the basis of the idea of recreating the USSR in students' mind is due to rapid changes in the political climate and many challenges of our time that require prompt and immediate solutions. Theoretical analysis. The purpose of the article is to reveal the process of updating the worldview of students on the basis of humanistic identification in the process of interaction of the social progress and regression. Destructive factors of development and radical and palliative mechanisms of successive identification are highlighted. The lines of social progress are analyzed on the basis of the identification methodology. Empirical analysis made it possible to confirm the theoretical provisions obtained during the survey. Conclusion. Multicultural orientation of vocational education requires humanization of the principles of social reorganization of modern Russia. This process can be used most effectively through the reconstruction of the USSR image in the views of students in modern forms and establishment of a successive connection with the past. At the same time, the development of social progress is carried out in the space of a new freedom, the restriction of which is a mechanism for the revival of accountability in the course of a return to genuine historical memory and modernization of society.
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