Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The practice of perceiving space and time from an existential-phenomenological perspective

Romashchenko Alexander Alexandrovich, Saratov State Technical University

Introduction. In contemporary philosophy there is an emerging interest in space and time in relation to the existential-phenomenological tradition. Theoretical analysis. The article analyses some modern approaches to the problem of space and time in the context of the above-mentioned methodology, as well as those approaches that either stand in opposition to the phenomenological tradition or try to form the related understanding of the problem. The problematisation of space within the framework of the approach we are interested in has only been outlined in Heidegger’s existential analysis of Dasein. Since the emergence of speculative realism, with its inherent questioning of the possibility of thinking reality (space and time) beyond the horizon of cognitive and sensory features of human presence, the question of the relationship between being and thinking, especially in the aspect of the possibility of constructing new ontologies, sounds new in philosophy. Conclusion. The analysis of modern approaches to the problem of space and time in the context of the existential-phenomenological tradition shows that in modern philosophy the problematisation of space qualitatively complements human philosophy and develops some of its aspects.

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