Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Psychological and pedagogical approaches to the formation of a complex of professionally important personality traits of future doctors

Gerasimova Tatyana Vladimirovna, Samara Branch of the Moscow City Pedagogical University

Introduction. The relevance of the article is due to the lack of psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of professionally important qualities (PIQ) among medical university students and the requirements imposed on the graduate by the social “order” and the requirements of the professional standard and the Federal State Educational Standard. The purpose of the article is the theoretical and experimental substantiation of approaches to the formation of PIQ of future doctors. Theoretical analysis. The author has carried out a theoretical analysis of approaches and conducted an experiment on their implementation within the framework of approbation and implementation of a model for the formation of a complex of professionally important personality traits of future doctors. As part of the complex of PIQ, groups of personal qualities, characteristics of a self-actualizing personality, volitional properties and value orientations necessary for the effective work of a doctor are identified. Empirical analysis. The use of different approaches in various forms and methods of educational and psychocorrective work allowed to improve the indicators of the complex of PIQ of the future doctor. The analysis of changes in the obtained indicators after participation in the experimental program was carried out by methods of mathematical statistics. Conclusion. The data allowed us to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of personality-oriented, competence-based, axiological and activity-based approaches within the framework of the model of the formation of the PIQ of the future doctor, which finds its practical application in the training of medical students.

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