Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The model of the development of moral consciousness of the individual

Gorbatovskaya Yulia Viktorovna, The center of psychological and speech therapy assistance “Harmony”

Introduction. The article presents an interdisciplinary analysis of ideas about the phenomenon of guilt, a model of the development of moral consciousness of the individual is proposed for consideration. Theoretical analysis. A critical analysis of scientific publications devoted to the topic of guilt allows us to conclude that their methodological part is very modest, which makes it difficult to further study this phenomenon. In this regard, the goal was set to build a logical terminological chain of moral concepts of duty, shame, conscience and guilt and thereby develop a structural and procedural model for the development of moral consciousness of the individual. The methodological basis of the study was the categorical-system approach, within which the method of qualitative modeling was implemented, namely the morphological modeling method, which allows to find an innovative solution to a scientific problem when referring to already existing partial solutions in the field under study. Within the framework of the developed model, it is proposed to introduce into scientific circulation the concepts of “presumption of innocence”, “presumption of guilt” and “presumption of responsibility”, as well as “sanctioned guilt” and “restorative guilt”. In conclusion, the prospects of theoretical and practical application of the developed model are discussed, its novelty is emphasized, as well as the need to continue studying this issue using empirical research that allows verifying and testing the proposed model.

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