Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Organizational psychology in the conditions of a special military operation and afterwards: Old tasks, new contexts and emphasis

Gaidar Karina Marlenovna, Voronezh State University

Introduction. The problem of the peculiarities of the work of organizational psychologists in the conditions of a special military operation (SMO) and after its completion is raised. The similarity of the existential meanings of the Great Patriotic War and the SMO and the differences in the socio-psychological processes that accompany them are revealed. Theoretical analysis. It is argued that while maintaining traditional tasks, but changing the conditions for their solution, the content of the activities of organizational psychologists undergoes transformations that can become even more pronounced after the end of the SMO. New socio-psychological contexts lead to different emphases in the work of organizational psychologists. In particular, on the basis of analysis of the tasks of organizational psychology and current practical experience, new emphasis has been identified in such areas of work of psychologists in organizations as the preservation of organizational culture and the cohesion of work teams, the psychological support of workers, the formation of their psychological readiness for constructive interaction with participants in the SMO after their return to civilian life, advising the latter on their requests. Conclusion. As a result of the analysis, a position was formulated on the need to pay increased attention to the training of organizational psychologists to work in new conditions, to solve the problem of quantitative and qualitative support for this training.

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