Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Aspects of professional culture development for future head of an educational organization

Bolshakova Alina Sergeevna, Saratov State University

Introduction. The study of professional culture development for future head of an educational organization is relevant and associated with the need for an organization leader to act as a carrier of professional culture, who is willing and able to productively solve managerial professional tasks in accordance with the demands and challenges of the modern educational system. Theoretical analysis. The article views several aspects of the process of professional culture development of the future head of an educational organization from various positions, each of which focuses on its individual aspect and reveals its understanding. The problem under study has been modernized based on the analysis of studies devoted to professional culture and its formation, indicating that high level of its development in the leader acts as a guarantor of effectiveness of not only his/her own managerial activities, but also the activities and functioning of the entire educational organization. Within the framework of the study we searched for different aspects concerning understanding of the process of professional culture development in a future leader of an educational organization using the synergistic approach, interaction of general and professional cultures, presence of creativity in managerial activities, and formation of professional competence of an educational organization head. Conclusion. The development aspects described in the article are necessary for the head of an educational organization for effective formation of his/her professional culture.

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