Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


“Economy of Desires” and “Gift economy”: Comparative analysis

Introduction. The article is the first one to conduct a comparative analysis of two economic models, reflecting previously little-studied aspects of the processes of exchange and consumption. A connection is established between the archaic paradigm of abundance and the postmodern theory of unlimitedly producing capitalism. Theoretical analysis. According to Daniel M.

Freedom within the Context of the Russian Consumer Society

The article is devoted to the phenomenon of freedom in the conditions of modern Russian consumer society. The relevance of this problem is expressed in replacing the understanding of the meaning of freedom as the freedom “for” with such an understanding, which includes the interpretation associated with such a phenomenon as consumerism, that does not allow to perceive it as a true universal freedom. Various philosophical concepts of modernity are aimed at criticism of consumption as an attribute of post-capitalist society.