Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Freedom within the Context of the Russian Consumer Society

Litvyakova Larisa Alexandrovna, Irkutsk State University

The article is devoted to the phenomenon of freedom in the conditions of modern Russian consumer society. The relevance of this problem is expressed in replacing the understanding of the meaning of freedom as the freedom “for” with such an understanding, which includes the interpretation associated with such a phenomenon as consumerism, that does not allow to perceive it as a true universal freedom. Various philosophical concepts of modernity are aimed at criticism of consumption as an attribute of post-capitalist society. The purpose of the article, therefore, is to analyze, on the basis of various theoretical data, modern global processes which affect the nature of public consciousness, determined by the replacement of existing values in favor of consumerism as an integral element of “freedom” in its modern public perception. In this regard, it should be noted that the modern sense of freedom is determined by individualistic tendencies in society. On the basis of this, it can be concluded that such freedom is understood as “illusory”, since it is conditioned by the whole system of a capitalist society, where production is not the main component of the realization of genuine collective freedom, which allows to reveal human possibilities by means of the realization of one’s work as the factor of development not only of the individual, but also of the society as a whole. The main role in the socio-economic system of society is now played by the market, aimed at a greater capital increase through the increase in consumption among the population and the formation of mass consumer culture, which limits the degree of genuine freedom. Thus, the novelty of the study can be expressed in identifying the need to move from material values to collective ones based on morality and becoming the basis for higher needs which are aimed at the interests of the whole society. These ideas should be expressed by a stable middle class, which plays an important role in the economic system. The tendency of its formation is explained by the challenge of time, characterized by the threat of hegemony of capitalism in the post-Soviet space, that does not give a chance to establish a free, fair and prosperous society in Russia.


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