Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

экологическое сознание


Статья  посвящена  анализу  экологического  порядка  общества 
как неотъемлемого условия социального развития в эпоху тех-
ногенных  катастроф.  Проблема  формирования  экологического 
порядка очень актуальна в эпоху оторванности человека от своих 
природных  корней.  Мир  техники  сегодня  полностью  заполняет 
жизненное  пространство  человека,  подменяя  истинные  при-
родные ценности симулякрами, псевдо-ценностями информаци-
онного мира. Это приводит к зависимости человека от техники, 

Man as a Subject of Environmental Reality

In the paper ontological basis of the system of the relationship between human beings and the nature. The concepts of environmental reality, of «homo environmental» as of its subject, and of environmental consciousness are discussed.

Migratory Processes in a Socio-philosophical Discourse: from Ecology to Culture

In article migrations as a special form of the social dynamics implying spatial movement of individuals or social groups are considered. The author pushes the key principles determining need of the social and philosophical analysis of migrations namely – complexity and complexity of migratory processes, and also their transformation throughout history of a development of humanity in connection with change of the dominating configurations of social space.

The Perfection of the Ecological Education of Schoolboys in the System Educational Establishments of the Saratov Region

In article experience of perfection of ecological education of the
schoolboys in the system educational establishments of the Saratov
region from project activity are generalized. Necessity of the
further development ecological medium of educational institutions
and ecological space of region for efficiency rising of the formation
ecological consciousness, ecological culture of young generation
across the formation of ecological competence of subjects ecological
process is underlined.

Formation of Ecological Consciousness: Search of the Valuable Bases

Ecological consciousness – the complete and rather new phenomenon of public consciousness which are as reflexion of intensity and a sharpness of an ecological situation, and certain expression, some kind of the indicator of serious changes of spiritual and material culture. The basic causal and internal characteristic of the given kind of consciousness is crisis situations developed in the modern world. It is the major condition of development of consciousness of the person in an ecological direction. 

Problems of formation of environmental consciousness: Educational aspect

The formation of mass environmental awareness among the younger generation is one of the most pressing problems of environmental education that also needs support from state and public organizations, designed to ensure the continuity, accessibility and methodological content of its implementation in educational institutions of all levels.