Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Стрела Зенона - летит! (решение апории)

Все сущее пребывает в движении. Летит в пространстве, растет или сокращается, излучает или поглощает – видов движения много. Это известно всем. Но что такое движение? Что оно представляет собой? Этого не знает никто. Подтверждением этому является, в частности, тот факт, что даже такой простой вид движения, как полет стрелы, за 2,5 тысячи лет попыток решения апории Зенона, так и нашел объяснения. Что служит причиной столь поразительной беспомощности науки? Всякое движение – событие диалектическое.

Ontology of declaration: Towards the characteristics of modern philosophy

Introduction. The article is devoted to consideration of the state of modern ontological thought. It is no coincidence that after Heidegger there is virtually no systematic consideration of the concept of being in philosophy. Does this mean that the problem of being has lost its relevance? Or does this indicate that the concept of being continues (albeit in a negative way) to determine the face of modern philosophy?

The Institutional Person: Developing a Philosophical Conception

The paper is devoted to the formation of the philosophical conception
of the institutional person. The paper considers the existing scientific
theories of the institutional person, analyses a possibility of using new
categories and stresses a necessity for working out new conceptions
of the description of social realia of the modern word. The formation
and direction for the development of the philosophical conception
of the institutional person as a conception of the correspondence of


В статье представлено соотношение истины и интеллектуаль-
ной свободы. В центре анализа находятся специфика свободы 
в контексте эволюции рациональных структур познания, взаи-
мосвязь нормативной коммуникации и свободы, роль разума в 
развитии форм свободы познания. Познание рассматривается 
в контексте решения проблем человеческого бытия в мире, при 
этом раскрывается значение категорий свободы и истины для 
понимания природы субъекта знания; в частности, исследуются 

The Tao's Time: the Conception of Temporology of Taoism

This article is about the investigation of temporological foundations of the philosophical conception of Taoism. The main religions and philosophical treatises of Taoism are under analysis in this aspect. Tao and Te are interpreted as two fundamental Temporological characteristics. Tao defines the temporology of the event of realizing of being, and Te defines the temporology of presence of already realized being.

Being in the Mirror of Intranslatability

The article deals with the problem of interpretative transformation of Heidegger’s understanding of being in postmodern thought. This transfotmation takes somewhat unpredictable conceptual forms as, for example, in Derrida’s «ontologies of differance and supplement» and in Baudrillard’s «ontology of branchments». The postmodern investigation of Heidegger’s notion of «being» has changed our understanding of main ontological approaches and problems.

Metaphysics of Universal Unity: Methodological and Ontological Basis of Paradigm

Article argues that «metaphysics of universal unity»`s paradigm is general base of Russian religious philosophy. Author proves that problems of forming of «metaphysics of universal unity»`s paradigm consolidated creative energies of famous Russian philosophers as V.Soloviov, S.Frank, L.Karsavin, P.Florenskiy, S.Bulgakov. Article emphasized Russian philosophers’ common positions in methodology and ontology.

Structure of Praxis in Religious Ontologies: Comparative Analysis of Traditional Practices of Hesychasm and Yoga

The article observes the problem of intoduction the phenomenon of spiritual religions experience in the field of the philosophical discourse. The analysis of the phenomenon is performed by means of the categories of religious praxis. Much attention is paid to specipic version of ontological interaction between consciousness and existense though practice. The perspective of the application of such methodology to the studying of the modern dynamics in social religious institutions is offered.

The Limit Phenomenon as a Base of the Mind Intentionality and the Objective Reality Perception

Our work is dedicated to the philosophical analysis of the "limit" phenomenon. The author considers the "limit" as a clear symbol devoid of content, which expresses the essential sense of the Symbolic. The "limit" is viewed as a base abstraction - the source of reflection of the cognitive and epistemological instrument and the basis of plurality (the perception of the material world variety).

Process of the Socializations in Changing Condition of Being and Subjective Well-Being

In article are discussed questions of the correlation subjective and subjectivity with position of the socializations of personalities, shaping space of being. It is analysed their place and role in shaping the subjective well-being of personalities.
