Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

гуманитарное знание

Humanitarian knowledge of the profession in the training of future teachers

Introduction. The problems of development and renewal of domestic higher education as a professional one are caused by the increasing demands of the state and society for training highly qualified workers for any sphere of public production. Variable demands from employers for qualified workers with transprofessional competencies exacerbate the problems of updating the content and process of teachers' professional training.


Статья  посвящена  анализу  социально-психологического  со-
держания  феномена  медиакультуры.  Обсуждаются  культуро-
логические, социологические, философские и психологические 
исследования, затрагивающие проблему медиакультуры. Сдела-
ны выводы об интерпретации понятия медиакультуры в рамках 
гуманитарного  знания  и  конкретно  в  рамках  социально-психо-
логических исследований. Сформулированы выводы о том, что 
актуальными направлениями развития исследований медиа как 

Scientific Criterions in Normative Theory: Neo-Kantianism and Kelsen’s Theory of Law

In the paper the problem of applicability of scientific criterions in the process of construction of humanitarian theory. Subjectness, objectivity, truth, validity, verification, falsification as criterions were formed in natural sciences. These criteria should be interpreted in a new way in view of specificity of humanitarian knowledge. The analysis of the problem is based on studying a historical example of construction of a humanitarian theory. As an example experience of construction of the theory of law by Hans Kelsen in jurisprudence is examined.

Theological education as a basic factor of socialization and the formation of value orientations in a dynamically changing society

In a dynamically changing society, the problem of the formation of value attitudes and the preservation of traditions is one of the main and paramount issues for the construction of social relations. State policy aimed at constructive interaction of various institutions responsible for socialization is a guarantee of the stability of social relations themselves.

Modernizing education in the post-secular world

Introduciton. This article examines the main directions of modernization of the institution of education in a post-secular society; socio-philosophical analysis of the transformations of modern education is carried out at various levels of its institutionalization: educational and methodological, organizational and managerial, communicative, value-semantic, etc. Theoretical analysis.

Theoretical and Methodological Grounds of Sport Activity Research

Author considers that it is impossible to describe sport activity sufficiently within the approaches used in studying physical culture traditionally. Author suggests a humanitarian view on sport. It means researching in sport and sport activity from a position of sense. The method of studying sport from sense position, analyzing of its value content allows considering the nature of sport more deeply.