Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Overcoming the consequences of globalization on the example of the interaction of the state and the Russian Orthodox Church in the information sphere

Introduction. The article considers the problem of overcoming the consequences of globalization in the context of informatization of society using the example of interaction between the state and the Russian Orthodox Church in the information sphere. The following methods were used in the study: system analysis, philosophical analysis, interpretation, comparison and synthesis. Theoretical analysis. The State and the Church, as active users of the information resources and technologies available today, have a significant impact on their development.


В  статье  анализируется  кризис  идеологических  принципов 
социального  развития  в  контексте  современного  глобализи-
рующегося мира. Предпринимается попытка выявить причины 
очевидного  недовольства  социальным  развитием  со  стороны 
определенных  философских  течений.  Обосновывается  идея  о 
том, что это недовольство является неизбежным последстви-
ем  глобализации  и  связано  с  некоторыми  социокультурными 
особенностями модерна. Последний рассматривается как вну-

Globalization and the Phenomenon of Religious

The article studies the problem of the relationship between
globalization and the religious phenomenon in the modern era.
Special attention is paid to the specifics of the conflicts in religious
consciousness under the influence of globalization processes.
Globalization is seen as a complex phenomenon, includes a combination
of many elements of social reality.Open and participatory
modernity allows you to shape religious identity indirectly from
national and cultural component. So, mass forms of religiosity


Статья посвящена проблеме взаимодействия человечества эпохи 
глобализации в условиях сохранения поликультурности. Культур-
ные различия являются одной из наиболее важных причин миро-
вой напряженности и конфликтности. В данных обстоятельствах 
межкультурный  диалог  представляется  наиболее  подходящим 
форматом коммуникации. Отдельно рассматриваются основные 
аспекты установления диалога культур. В частности, особое вни-

Urbanism and Cosmopolitism: Social and Philosophical Point of View

Theoretical applicability of the idea of cosmopolitism, its connection with the most significant problems of globalization, such as migration, citizenship, local national policy, have made it an actual theme for theoretical approaches and authors striving to legitimate it as an ideological universalium in their cosmopolitical programmes. This article studies theoretical orientation and effects of transverge influence of cosmopolitization upon urbanism. The discussed problems viz.

Globalization and Individualization: Logic of Social and Philosophical Interrelation

Article is devoted to a research of processes of globalization in the context of the structure and specifics of transformation of global society. Against the background of globalization there is a deformation of the existing subjects that often is represented researchers of society as something, destroying social solidarity. The special place in the context of the delivered problem is allocated to a dichotomy research «collective – individual». The author criticizes the dominating theory that because of globalization there is individualization.


В статье анализируются предпосылки трансформации религиоз- ной идентификации в обществе риска. Анализ социальных транс- формации представлен в контексте соотношения формальных и неформальных институтов, в сравнении отношений общности и отношений власти. Потрясения, связанные с разрушением цен- ностного измерения, обусловили интенсивность трансформаций и формирование протестной динамики. Фундаментальные цен- ности – это заданная перспектива, не сводимая к расхожему по- ниманию социальной памяти. Это, скорее, социальная память о том, что есть будущее.

Philosophical Interpretation of Essence of Innovations

This article is based on the phenomenon analysis of innovation and its activities. The philosophy of the innovative development is almost relevant to the intensification of innovative process and the fundamentals which is influenced by the public and private realities. The concept of Innovation is already defined and the prospects for the philosophical measurement is already set by its approach. In today’s life, we have large and wide approach for the innovative transformations which include human life, business, environment and our surroundings.

Discourse-Management of Social Dynamics of Global Processes: Social-Politic Sphere

Nowadays it has become more noticeable a tendency of different states to the mutual collaborating or opposing. Interstate contacts and links reach the other qualitative level. The cause of that lies in the process of globalization, demanding from states of greater integration and search of allies. The search of efficient governance strategies treats us to approach in this article to the program of discourse management of social processes. 

Confession Destruction in Cultural Forms of Globalization

This article is about the phenomenon of confession destruction in theoretical models of global culture, its synthesis and conflict. The variety of forms and fundamental character of this concept is analyzed in the context of «modernization syndrome». The essence of this phenomenon is caused by the actualization of destructive contradictions religious dominant. 
