Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



Статья посвящена анализу соотношений свободы и необходи-
мости, возможности и действительности, выбора и отбора, сво-
боды и ответственности. Определяются основные закономер-
ности  (тенденции),  управляющие  социальными  процессами, 
в рамках которых проявляется свобода, а именно механизмы 
отбора и суперотбора. Описываются эссенциология, феноме-
нология и аксиология свободы. Определяется понятие свободы 
в социуме, которая реализуется лишь в условиях суперотбора 

Theoretic-Methodical Researches оn «Freedom»

This article deals with the main aspects of studies of «freedom» as
philosophical category. Special attention is paid to the linguistic peculiarity
of this term and the formation of the definition. It is given a short
analysis of main approaches to the definition of «freedom». In spite
of great variety of scientific references and a number of researches
it is extremely important to proceed studying this theme because of
lack of understanding of this phenomenon as a whole and in order to
avoid misunderstanding.

The anthropological practice as an impossible possibility

A contemporary man is now more and more recognizing the necessity of the anthropological practice of the art of being himself. The main sphere of the research conducted in social science and the humanities in the second half of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st centuries was dedicated to problematization, apology, assertion and exercises related to practices of the self. The topic of the anthropological practices (social, spiritual, psychological, somatic, and art practices) permeates the works by E. Fromm, L. Binswanger, P. Ricoeur, P. Hadot, M. de Certeau, M.

Structure of group subjectivity of the family

The author’s approach to the problem of the structure of subjectivity of the family as a group is presented. For the first time, the subjectivity of the family is revealed as a dynamic socio-psychological property, in the structure of which the following are distinguished: the possibility, readiness and ability of the family to be a subject. The possibility of being a subject is expressed in the family potential, which creates the prospect for the family to acquire the status of a group subject.

The eventuality of human philosophy in the risk society

Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of the eventuality of philosophy in the risk society through the anthropological consideration of the concepts of uncertainty, possibility, unpredictability, infi nity. The main diffi culty in risk analysis is that risk lies between rational and irrational, between certainty and uncertainty, between possibility and reality. Theoretical analysis.

Symbolic Nature of Consciousness in the Aspect of Creativity

The article deals with the problem of the essential characteristics of consciousness. It is impossible to comprehend the premise of creativity without understanding that. Consciousness can be represented only in the context of potential. The activity of consciousness is a new qualitative state of mind which is defined as thinking. As a result, consciousness can be defined only by the symbol.